1 844 855 0027

Formerly CountyHomemaker SCE. Delegate of AmeriHealth Caritas and Keystone First.

Proudly celebrating over 10 years of service to Pennsylvania!

Area of Service Coverage

Advocate Centered Services has been serving the Pennsylvania area for years as a former SCE. The ACS team is dedicated to providing quality, consumer centered care for the elderly and disabled population so that they can live a full and satisfying life. Advocate Centered Services' mission is to enhance the individual's quality of life through various waiver services. Our team is dedicated to keeping you right where you belong — at home.



Individuals 21 and older who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid

Individuals 21 and older who need the level of care provided by nursing facilities

Individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities who are eligible for services through the Office of Developmental Programs and residents of a state-operated nursing facility (including state veterans' homes) are NOT eligible for CHC.

Visit the Community HealthChoices website to find out if you are eligible to receive benefits.

Community HealthChoices

COMMUNITY HEALTHCHOICES (CHC) is Pennsylvania's mandatory managed care for dual-eligible individuals and individuals with physical disabilities - serving more people in communities rather than in facilities, giving them the opportunity to work, spend more time with their families, and experience an overall better quality of life. When implemented, CHC will improve services for hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvanians, including older Pennsylvanians and individuals with disabilities.

Long-Term Services and Supports Benefits

The following benefits are available to participants who are nursing facility clinically eligible (NFCE) and receive Medicaid long-term services and supports (LTSS) through a home and community-based waiver or reside in a nursing facility. These are in addition to the physical health benefits in the adult benefits package.

Adult Benefit Package

The following physical and behavioral health benefits are available to ALL CHC PARTICIPANTS. Behavioral Health benefits will be provided by the behavioral health managed care organizations.

Adult daily living services

Assistive technology

Behavior therapy

Benefits counseling

Career assessment

Cognitive rehabilitation therapy

Community integration

Community transition services


Employment skills development

Vehicle modifications

Financial management services

Home adaptations

Home delivered meals

Home health aide

Home health - nursing

Job coaching

Job finding

Nonmedical transportation

Nutritional counseling

Participant-directed community supports

Participant-directed goods and services

Personal assistance services

Personal emergency response systems (PERS)

Pest eradication

Residential rehabilitation


Service coordination (including information and assistance in support of participant direction. Service coordination is furnished as a distinct activity to waiver participants as an administrative activity)


Extended State Plan Services

Home Health - physical, occupational, and speech and language therapies

Specialized medical equipment and supplies

Certified registered nurse practitioner services

Chiropractic services

Clinic services

Crisis services

Contact lenses (limited to individuals with aphakia)

Dental care services

Durable medical equipment

Emergency room/ ambulance services

Eyeglass frames (limited to individuals with aphakia)

Family planning services and supplies

Federally qualified health center services/ rural health clinic services

Home health services

Hospice services

ICF/IID and ICF/ORC (requires an institutional level of care)

Inpatient hospital services

Laboratory services

Nonemergency Transportation (only to and from MA-covered services)

Nursing facility services

Nutritional supplements

Optometrist services

Outpatient hospital services

Peer support services

Physician services

Podiatrist services

Prescription drugs

Primary care provider services

Prosthetics and orthotics (Orthopedic shoes and hearing aids are not covered)

Radiology services (ie, x-rays, MRIs, CTs)

Renal dialysis services

Targeted case management services (behavioral health only, limited to individuals with SMI only; other than behaviors health; limited to individuals identified in the target group)

Maternity (physician, certified nurse, midwives, birth centers)

Medical Supplies

Mobile mental health treatment

Therapy (physical, occupational, speech); habilitative and rehabilitative; only when provided by a hospital, outpatient clinic or home health provider)

Tobacco cessation

Helpful Tips

• Be sure to carry your ACCESS card with you at all times. When receiving health care services, show all your insurance cards, including your ACCESS card.

• If you need a new ACCESS card, call 1-8770395-8930. In Philadelphia, call 1-215-560-7226.

NOTE: CHC managed care organizations may provide more services than those required by the CHC program.

Service Coordinators


Office Hours


8 AM - 4 PM


8 AM - 4 PM


8 AM - 4 PM


8 AM - 4 PM


8 AM - 4 PM





Call us today

1 844 855 0027